You Will Find An Array Of Hashtags Related To Like Or Matchmaking Needs

We’re answering these questions, and more, in our ultimate guide to Instagram hashtags. If you often use the same hashtags, you can save them in a note to reduce time typing them in over and over. Of course, it’s much easier to stay at the top of the Recent section for a less-popular or really niche hashtag. Using these will attract bots, spammers, and other Instagram users who have no intention of engaging with you in any meaningful way.

The most effective way to do this is to set a goal for each hashtag you use. Two of those places are the dropdown search bar, and the results page for the hashtag. Hashtags allow you to find content that’s relevant to you and your brand, and they do the same for people looking for content like yours. On the other hand, you could be looking for the right influencer to promote your brand, and are using hashtags to find out who’s important and engaging in your industry. Using as many hashtags as you can, is a good idea, but the use of repeated hashtags is penalized. If you don’t have an idea for a hashtag to use, this tool can help.

How to search multiple hashtags on Instagram

This includes Instagram, which has probably seen the most significant uptake of hashtag usage. Unlike Twitter, where most people recommend that you should not use more than two or three hashtags in a single tweet, Instagram encourages large-scale hashtag usage. It is common for people to include up to 20 hashtags in a single post, and many use the maximum they are permitted – 30 hashtags. Before selecting hashtags for your posts, it’s a good idea to consider the different types of hashtags you can include. You can then pick and choose a few hashtags to use each time, rather than having to remember the hashtags or search for new ones for each post.

Enter keywords separated by space – both words can be included in one hashtag. Don’t use it as a surefire recipe to scale up the business — we offer a strategy that can be tested in different ways. Imagine discovering a product that you’ve always dreamed of. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 177,385 times.


Even clicking through one post on the search results page will lead you to other similar posts. How much digital space are your competitors taking up in your market? Hashtags help you analyze your share of voice on social media. Chances are that you and your competitors will have overlapping hashtags, especially if they’re industry and local ones. In an ideal share of voice situation, your posts and ones that your customers have tagged are taking up the bulk of those hashtag search results. You can also check out posts with your relevant hashtags for content inspiration and to get ideas on where your brand might be falling short compared to competitor content.

Campaign hashtags don’t need to be tied to a product or sales. REI’s #OptOutside campaign encouraged people to go out rather than shop on Black Friday, and therefore wasn’t centered around purchasing. We have looked at many of the most popular hashtags on Instagram in this post. The advantage of using popular hashtags is that many people follow those tags, giving more opportunities for people to see your posts. If they like the content you share using these popular hashtags, they are likely to follow you to see more of this type of content. Of course, you have to balance the large audiences following popular hashtags with the relevance to the topics about which you post.

A hashtag is a combination of letters, numbers, and/or emoji preceded by the # symbol (e.g. #NoFilter). They are used to categorize content and make it more discoverable. That reveals the exact steps a fitness influencer used to grow from 0 to 600,000+ followers on Instagram with no budget and no expensive gear. Her career suddenly takes a turn in the right direction and she is thrown into the public’s eye and all hell breaks loose! A secret adds more fuel to the fire already burning inside her chaotic home and to make matters worse she finds herself being tormented by a ghost from her past!

On Papier’s end, they utilize a user-generated content strategy and regram the photos. There are several ways to find the best hashtags for you. The first and easiest is to look at the influencers and accounts you already follow and note which hashtags they’re already using.

She applied auto-promotion, random or broad hashtags, which couldn’t add to a successful strategy. Among other things a request to win over the audience in Italy, France, and Germany was conditioned. A large number of posts may mean lots of people follow that hashtag, but it also means there’s a ton of content on it latinomeetup singles chat and your posts might get lost. Instagram suggests using a combination of popular and niche hashtags to reach different audiences, from broad to specific. By default, Instagram’s Explore page curates content from other Instagram users based on your activity and shows you related content you might be interested in.

The first tool you have available to you is the Post Insights feature within your Instagram Business account. This is a helpful kicking off point because for one thing it fits in your pocket – insights anywhere you go, whenever you need! Unfortunately, the data you are seeing is only related to your page. There is nothing to tell you about trending hashtags on other platforms and you don’t get that same data about your competitor.

Kristen is the Senior Managing Editor at WordStream, where she helps businesses to make sense of their online marketing and advertising. She specializes in SEO and copywriting and finds life to be exponentially more delightful on a bicycle. Remember, the best way to use these hashtags is for inspiration—not for hashtag stuffing. Use their tagging feature to build campaign-specific hashtag reports. If you search #4080challenge on Instagram, you get more car results than runners. It will help you keep track of your best performing hashtags, so you know which ones are the best choices.

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